Friday, 15 March 2013

Yoga - Where, How, Why

Why practice yoga? Its for hippies, hipsters and health nuts who instagram their salads and endlessly tweet about their workouts, right?

Wrong. Yoga is for everyone, and it really does benefit everyone, no matter what shape you are, or what shape you are in.

Here are some truths about yoga - and I can vouch for every one of these:

  • Yoga helps you sleep better
  • Yoga gives you more energy throughout your day
  • Yoga improves your posture
  • Yoga improves your strength
  • Yoga helps aches and pains
  • Yoga helps the immune system
  • Yoga helps with anti-aging
  • Yoga helps hand-eye coordination
  • Yoga decreases blood pressure and improves blood circulation
  • Yoga is a great cardiovascular workout
  • Yoga improves your metabolism and aids weight loss
  • Yoga helps improve lung function

Most people whom have never tried yoga assume its difficult, or even near impossible to get into those positions. Truth is, yes, at times it is. But part of practicing yoga is acceptance. I have T-rex arms, and there are some poses I will never be able to get into for this reason. But I have learnt not to worry about it, and to get as deep into the stretch as I can, and accept my body and how far it is capable of going.
All yoga studios have beginners classes, and even in the more popular intermediate ones, you can go at your own pace, and I promise you, no one is judging, or even watching you as everyone there is focussed on their own practice, thoughts and meditation. 

Now for the "where" part, in Cape Town you are spoilt for choice. I have tried two out of the four studios I am recommending, and a few friends have tried the other two, which they have loved.

127 Waterkant Street, De Waterkant

Hot Dog Yoga Studio:
202 Main Road, cnr St Johns Road, Sea Point

10th Floor Picbel Parade
53 Strand Street

Cavendish Close, Warwich Str, Claremont

Namaste folks!


Thursday, 14 March 2013

Currently Coveting - Camo Edition

Apologies for not posting yesterday, I was down with the flu. But to make it up to you, I spent some time trawling the web for a great Currently Coveting edition. Winter fashion is upon us and its time to start thinking about your winter wardrobe. I've done a boot shop already, and next up I want to invest in some camo and military inspired pieces. So with that in mind, below are the things that I am currently coveting...

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