Thursday, 27 June 2013

#StyleBloggerStarter - Challenge Two: "The Review"

For our second #StyleBloggerStarter task, we have been challenged to review a new establishment. The catch is that it can't have opened more than 3 months ago.

Ever the wannabe overachiever, I have discovered a fashion haven that is yet to open. Yes, I am so hipster right now, I am delivering you a review before anybody else can.
Before it becomes too mainstream. *Slips on skinny jeans and ironically large glasses*

I could have done a review on a restaurant and it would have been easy enough - but shopping for pretty things is what this blog is mostly about. Its what my readers love, so its what I will deliver!
I give you The Shoestring Collective:

The Shoestring Collective is a 'pop-up' shop and a fantastic collaborative offering of beautiful fashion, homeware and textiles, accessories and jewellery, art and stationery and even beauty products. The best bit is that its all made by top local designers.
I am talking jewellery by Famke, Oh Dear Megan and Bow Peep, and gorgeous clothing by Coppelia and Good Clothing.
Prices are mid-range to slightly pricey, but its worth it. You're getting unique, handmade and quality items instead of mass-produced retail. Think investment pieces.

The Shoestring Collective opens to the public officially on Monday the 8th of July.
Trading hours will be:
Weekdays: 9am to 7pm
Saturdays: 9am to 5pm
Sundays and public holidays: 9am to 2pm

Gardens Centre, Cnr of Mill and Buitenkant Streets, Gardens, Cape Town.
To contact:
Twitter:  @TSC_PopUpShop

Famke Jewellery

GOOD Clothing

Oh Dear Megan

Understudy Clothing

Homeware by Tjou-Tjou

Pins by Pretty Pretty




  1. Isn't it gorgeous? She is going to have them available at the pop-up shop. Happy dance!

  2. I want those tin coffee mugs!

  3. love the jewelry by 'Oh Dear Megan'. Hope you win the competition!


Love it? Need more info or have a question? Chat to me in the comments section. xx Leigh

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