Thursday, 6 February 2014

Splurge vs Steal

If you haven't tried one of the dome-headed sponges to apply your makeup, you have been missing out. The finish you get using these to apply your foundation is almost perfection. They get into every nook and cranny and angle on your face and blend everything together flawlessly. The original and best is the Beauty Blender and has achieved a cult status overseas. It retails at various outlets here for between R220 and R250 - which is quite a bit to spend on a teeny little sponge.
Some local retailers are stocking dupes for as little as R50, but I've found that these tear easily and don't do near the same job.

Enter TopShop and their version. At R99 it is less than half the price of the Beauty Blender, and in my opinion, does the same job. I have been using this one since just before Christmas and it still holds its shape, is in mint condition and delivers a smooth finish every time. I am guilty of overlooking TopShop's makeup department, but never again, because there are some great budget beauty buys to be found, and their range of makeup tools and accessories is brilliant.

So there you go, a flawless face, at half the price.



  1. cool. thanx for the heads-ups!


  2. I've been wondering if the cheaper versions I see around work. I don't normally wear foundation, but I'm still tempted to get one of these because I like the idea :)


Love it? Need more info or have a question? Chat to me in the comments section. xx Leigh

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