Wednesday, 4 June 2014

A full make-up kit for under R1500

About 4 years ago, I was unhappily surprised by some arse-hole at the robots who decided to smash my car window and whip my handbag from me. Firstly, I will admit that it was partly my own fault. I had both my laptop bag and handbag sitting pretty on my front seat and I was lucky that the thief didn't see the laptop bag. This isn't unique to South Africa. In any urban area, crime happens and you just need to be smarter. So ladies, if you are not already locking your valuables in your boot before hitting the road, I am begging you to start doing so.

The reason for my little story above, is that in my beloved handbag was my entire collection of MAC makeup that I had built up over a few years. I was devastated. And considering handbag insurance covered about 5k worth of lost items, I managed to replace my sunglasses, specs, the handbag itself and a new wallet - it didn't stretch enough to cover new make-up. Seriously, as a not-so-fun exercise, tally up the value of what is in your handbag right now. You might puke.

So there I was, starting over again. I know a few friends who have had a similar encounter and found themselves in the same position. So while you start building your collection up again slowly and beg everyone you know to buy you Edgars gift-vouchers for your birthday, I thought I'd share my drugstore favourites with you. These are all you need to create a flawless face, and a simple and classy day-to-day look. I carry all of these in my handbag now and never take my good stuff out with me. That way, if anything happens to my bag, I am not at a huge loss. In fact, you could easily carve out a portion of the 5k handbag insurance to cover these as the entire collection comes in at under R1500.

  • Full Brush Set, R420 from 27Pinkx
  • Bourjois 123 Perfect CC Cream, R159,99 from Clicks (I LOVE this stuff. Amazing coverage and colour correction and lasts all day!)
  • Revlon Photoready Perfecting Primer, R210 from Clicks
  • Maybelline All In One Powder, R79,95 at Clicks
  • Essence Get Big Lashes, R38 from
  • NYX The Curve, R264,99 at Clicks (This solves your liquid liner problems. Just go get it. Get two.)
  • Revlon Baby Stick, R99 from Clicks (Get "Pink Passion" and use on lips and cheeks. So pretty. Limited edition product so may be hard to find.)
  • Revlon Age Defying Concealer, R159 from Clicks (Covers dark spots and blemishes like a dream.)
  • Maybelline Baby Lips, R25 at Clicks ( I use these during the day instead of lipstick or gloss.)


  1. Shame dude, that is very depressing. I want to get handbag insurance too, because I also carry expensive shit on me (which is dumb, I know). Will investigate, who are you insured with? Love this post though! x

  2. It was 4 years ago, and not fun. Handbag insurance is generally included with short term insurance. So whoever does your household contents and car. At the time I was with Hollard. Now I use Integrisure.
    I'll never carry my fancy brushes and products on me ever again. The budget stuff works just fine for touch-ups and daily crap.

    Oh, lock your shit up in your boot when you drive! Always!
    This has been a Pretty Mint Public Service Announcement.
    Over and Out.

    Peace on the streets.


  3. I've also had a smash and grab... Besides all my belongings that add up quickly, it was also the sentimental things like a special photograph I kept close. Horrid.
    This is a great selection of make up. x


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