Each October, we are made to face some scary truths. We are bombarded with breast cancer stats, tales of loss and the subsequent signs you need to look out for. But we are also inspired, made to feel hopeful and also completely amazed at the incredible strength that women possess, and how they handle their journey with grace and determination.
There are some wonderful companies doing some wonderful things to raise awareness and money to help women who need assistance on their journey to recovery, as well as to inform those in society who may not be aware of the symptoms, or what their options are if they are diagnosed.
One such company is Le Creuset, and their concept is simple. Host a Cuppa for Cancer. Get your girlfriends together and have a tea party. Make some pretty cupcakes, whip out your tea set and then get those betties to dress up for afternoon tea. And then charge them and donate. Get them to donate some more. And then some more.
No good deed goes unnoticed here and you could win a shopping spree from Le Creuset worth R10k.
You can hop on over to their website for the free printables and submission details over here: http://www.lecreuset.co.za/blog/host-a-cuppa-for-cansa-and-win
You have until 31 October to submit your tea party pictures, so get cracking.
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