I don't often get too personal on here, and I also don't want to become someone who is shoving health and wellness down your throats at every opportunity, but I am asking you today to join me in a little challenge. You see, tomorrow marks 50 days until I leave for a trip to Bali. I am so flipping excited I can barely contain myself, and I have spent more time than I'd care to admit making lists of things to do and also planning outfits so I can pretend that I'll look like one of those style bloggers who wear Dior by the poolside, and Rebecca Minkhoff to the beach. When in reality, I'll probably be in some Cotton On denim cut-offs a t-shirt and a top knot the entire time.
What really is giving me a case of the panics is being in a bikini for two weeks straight. Our last trip was to America, where I sustained myself on donuts and burgers, so I've been playing catch up on the whole "Summer bodies are made in Winter" idea. With minimal success. Living with a triathlete has helped somewhat, as our pantry is a Wellness Warehouse/Woolworths hybrid and there is barely anything fun to eat in the house. But I still reach for chocolate and sweets given half a chance, and my damned portion sizes.....I'm terrible. This Bali adventure is a serious incentive to rectify that situation. Our trip will involve plenty of hiking, cycling, yoga and surf lessons - so being in shape is non-negotiable really.
So here is my game plan. Or lack thereof because I don't really have one. I just want to aim at daily exercise, every day, up until our holiday and I'll use rest days for yoga or walking - because I know rest days are important, yet I really want to be active for the full 50 days. I also want to work on my diet and get that in check as well. I don't know if I want to try juicing or supplements to kick start things along - perhaps you guys can give me some advice there because I don't know anything about it. All I know, is that by sharing this with all of you, I am committing to it publicly. And by encouraging you to join me on a 50 day wellness challenge, perhaps we can stick to it and enjoy the results together.
The areas I struggle with are my thighs, which have never been described as slender in my entire life, and since turning 30, belly jiggle seems to be something that has become harder to shift. So I want to target those two areas (like almost every other woman who is not a Victoria Secret model I guess).
So far, I've entered the Gun Run 21km race in October, and for that I am starting a training program that involves 4 runs a week building up to that distance. The rest I intend to make up with yoga, weight training and maybe some boxing - we'll see.
My mantra is that I need to be inspired by my workout clothes, and PUMA have been very kind and sent me some Pulse XT trainers (currently on sale at Takealot) to use at the gym - which I am loving because they're as light as slippers and the black and charcoal design look great with all my workout gear. Yes that sounds superficial, but even Caroline Worstmann endorses looking hot while you workout as motivation - and that mentality scored her a Comrades win.
Now that Totalsports has gone online, I'll be watching my bank balance get slimmer much quicker than I will (if only I could pay with my inner thighs instead). But alas, all in the name of sports luxe and looking good at gym. I've also bought this fantastic Garmin VivoActive smart watch that tracks my daily movement and calories, my running pace and distance - and the cheeky bugger even vibrates to tell me to move every couple of hours if I am sitting down too long.
So that is as far as I've got with my plan. What do you think? Are you joining me? I'll be posting my progress on social media, as in what exercise I did for the day, the odd recipe and I hope you'll do the same and copy me in - I need all the community motivation I can get.
50 days guys. Lets go.
Hardcore! There is a big part of me (thighs and tummy!) that really wants to join you but I'm not sure I have the discipline. Wishing you lots of motivation and energy, I'll be rooting for you :-)