I haven't done one of these posts in so long. Maybe not even all year.
What inspired it is that I am getting a little disillusioned with blogging. Part of me thinks it may be dying out. Which is scary given that I am soon to be launching a new blog - but that is a project close to my heart and is far more practical than a fashion and lifestyle blog. So it will run on passion and practicality and I have every faith that it will be well received. But more on that another time.
I know we live in an instant world. Instagram and Snapchat are killing the lifestyle blogs, and we have no need to go to their actual sites to get the information we want. RewardStyle hasn't really got to the SA blogs yet, but it will only be a matter time before we start being more Instagram focussed when it comes to information and shopping.
I then had to sit and ponder on why I started blogging. The reason was a creative outlet, and to document my life and also to share information on pretty things. I love shopping and I love sharing that with all of you - who doesn't love talking about shopping actually?
The blog has grown and taken on new twists and turns, but I really want it to retain more of a focus on fashion, travel and what is going on in my life. As for makeup and beauty posts? Well, I am not a beauty blogger in the traditional sense. I only share with you what has worked for me and what I love. I couldn't pick apart the chemical components or decipher an ingredient list, I just like what I like, and will let you know if it works - for me anyway. All I can do is hope that you find the information useful.
I have some amazing partnerships coming up and I've worked hard on keeping things as true to me as possible. I am also going to bite the bullet and get in front of the camera more, and show you how the clothes I spend so much time and money on actually look on me - probably helpful on a style blog no? I'll figure out a way of getting over my camera shyness. You know, grow as a person or something.
Now that was a whole lot of waffling on about nothing in particular. I just wanted to get personal again. Because I miss you guys.
So here's what has been going on. Rocco. My whole world and whole heart consumed by a ball of fluff. Dave and I have had him for just over 3 weeks now and it has been a total upheaval. We've lived pretty cushy and selfish lives up until now. Sleeping in, travelling, going out for dinner a few times a week. Now we are up at night letting Rocco out to pee. Then up again at 5am when he wants to pee again and then play, and eat - and then has the cheek to go back to sleep while we get ready for work. Eventually he'll be fine left at home for an hour or three - but as a puppy we have to take him along with us, or forego those dinners. Travelling means arranging sitters for him. I've spent hours researching pet friendly restaurants and accommodation so we can take him with us as much as possible - so watch this space for 2016. Pet friendly travel will be my game!
But it is completely worth it. Puppy training, puppy creche, vet runs and what seems like millions spent on toys and treats has been more rewarding than anything I've experienced yet. A cuddle from this fur-kid could cure anything from bad days, to broken hearts. He is just that wonderful. So wonderful in fact, that he has his own Instagram account
@thatdogrocco. This is more for documenting his life and not annoying my own followers than it is a hope for pet Instagram fame. But hey, Mr Price Home already featured him, so maybe there is stardom on the cards for my boy wonder.
Other than being obsessed with my dog, I've been trying to get into shape. For summer, and in general. I've been so good with training and running. My eating outside of my incredibly elaborate and healthy breakfasts leaves much to be desired however. And that needs to change. I am even contemplating hypnosis to get rid of my chronic sugar addiction.
Weight training with my trainer Torie has seen a massive change in my body. I don't jiggle as much and I am stronger than I've ever been. Even after taking a 6 week break from running, I was able to finish a 6km without a problem - a first for asthmatic, sad-act me.

This weekend past, we took a little break with some friends and went to Sun City. I hadn't been for years and years, and I'd also never been to the Lost City or Valley of Waves. I was completely blown away by the opulence and the incredible attention to detail. It felt as though we were in another world completely. I totally get the hype. I am not really that into big resorts and prefer boutique hotels, but this is a South African institution and definitely one to experience. I also had a slush puppy for the first time in forever (not counting the Fanta ones in Singapore - but those are completely different). I now have a full blown addiction that I will need to wrestle with - especially given my complaint with sugar above. As the occasional treat though, I will be indulging in one of these. Movie date anyone?
I got quite a bit of sun, and I'll definitely talk more about the Lipidol suntan oil in another post. I would never have thought an oil would protect me from the sun as I spent my teens slathering it on to fry myself - but with a SPF of 25, it did the trick and I came home from our trip without any damage. And there is a heat wave over there at the moment so we're talking serious sun.
Thats me for now. I want to get back into these posts again. I know they are not particularly glamorous, or packed with professionally shot images. But I want to go back to sharing and engaging with you, and having the feeling of just sitting down with old friends over coffee and catching up.