Tuesday 1 July 2014

Trend on Trial: Dungarees

Yep, they're back. Dungarees have surfaced this winter and are sticking around right through to the coming summer. But be careful, because this time they are fitted, many sporting a skinny leg - so showing up in your 90's baggy pair won't score you any style points.

Being a little older, I am careful about what trends I'll try out. Partially because I don't want to look like I am trying too hard to cling to my early 20's, and partially because I don't want to waste money on something that barely makes a season and then it is dated and passé.
This is why I love Mr Price, as they make trying something new a lot easier on the pocket and if it doesn't work on you, or the trend fades faster that a Kardashian marriage, then you can dump it in the donate pile.

So I am trying out a pair of dungarees from tool ol' Mr P and so far so good. Their fit isn't bad at all, and even through I am between a size 32 and 34 right now thanks to my winter fat-coat, a size small is comfy and fitted in all the right places. I've paired them with my Converse sneakers and black leather ballet pumps so far - I don't think they'll be seeing heels on me, but that look may work for you. Less is more with these, so as to keep them simple and laid-back, but chic. So pair them with plain vests, anything grey, or a striped top.
They are wonderfully comfy and they'll definitely be my go-to outfit for chilled weekend brunches and for travelling in.

So our verdict for this trend on trial? We say go for it.




  1. I love this trend! If paired with the right accessories it can look amazing! Will just take some bravery from my side to embrace this again!

    1. I say go for it - it looks lovely and its so comfy.

  2. I love this trend! If paired with the right accessories it can look amazing! Will just take some bravery from my side to embrace this again!

  3. Agreed, paired with the right items and having a more snug fit will really make this look work! I quite like :-)


Love it? Need more info or have a question? Chat to me in the comments section. xx Leigh

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